Karazuri: Woodblock Print Technique

Karazuri, also known as blind embossing, is a technique used in woodblock printing. Typically, in woodblock printing, a woodblock is carved, and ink is applied to the raised areas. Paper is then placed on top and rubbed with a baren, transferring the ink from the raised areas to the paper, thus creating the print.

In the case of karazuri, however, no ink is applied to the raised areas. The paper is placed on the woodblock and rubbed with the baren, resulting in an impression of the raised areas on the paper without any ink. This creates an embossed effect, adding a sense of depth and texture to the print. The technique is called “karazuri” because “kara” means “empty” or “without,” indicating that no color is used.

Thus, karazuri is known as a technique for giving paper a three-dimensional quality without the use of color.